
ISeeChange featured in US Water Alliance’s “A Blueprint for Action”

July 1, 2018

The urgent and multifaceted nature of our water challenges calls for new ways of thinking, acting, and investing. Water leaders across the nation are embracing the One Water approach—managing water resources in a more integrated, inclusive, and sustainable manner in… Read More

“Uncommon Exchanges” at Tulane University Freeman Auditorium

June 8, 2018

Produced by A Studio in the Woods, ByWater Institute and New Orleans Center for the Gulf South, “Uncommon Exchanges” uses art in hopes of sparking conversation between members of Tulane and New Orleans communities. Denise Frazier, assistant director of… Read More

Special ceremonies for Esther Solondz and her daughter, Ana Stolle

May 11, 2018

On May 19th, Ana Stolle will walk around the Mercedez-Benz Superdome stage during the Unified Commencement Ceremony, with the support of her mother, Esther Solondz. Esther will also be in the New Orleans area to discuss her sculpture, “The Bee… Read More

Panel of archivists involved in “EMPIRE” discuss the installation

May 2, 2018

A recent panel of archivists from the ten collections that loaned objects to Newcomb Art Museum’s current “EMPIRE” was held to discuss the role of archives on campus and the museum installation created by Fallen Fruit. During the panel, the… Read More

Fallen Fruit’s “EMPIRE” featured on

April 26, 2018

In honor of the city’s Tricentennial, Newcomb Art Museum was joined by Pelican Bomb and A Studio in the Woods to commission and present EMPIRE, an art installation that explores how histories are told, remembered and revised, focusing on New… Read More

Fallen Fruit’s “EMPIRE” featured in the New Orleans Advocate

April 24, 2018

Every piece in Fallen Fruit’s “EMPIRE” at the Newcomb Art Museum tells a story of New Orleans culture and folklore. One is a picture-perfect print of oak trees dripping with Spanish moss, carnival beads and toilet paper (the duo visited… Read More

Calling All Artists: Spanish Heritage Exchange Residency

April 17, 2018

In recognition of the 300th anniversary of New Orleans’ colonial founding, A Studio in the Woods is excited to announce a new residency opportunity for New Orleans area artists: The Cultural Office of the Embassy… Read More

Fallen Fruit’s art exhibit at the Newcomb Art Museum displays the school’s archives

April 12, 2018

Burns and Austin Young from Los Angeles have dubbed this installation “Empire, ” which sheds light on the different cultures that make up the city of New Orleans. The exhibition is commissioned and presented by Newcomb Art Museum, Pelican Bomb,… Read More

Fallen Fruit’s “EMPIRE” featured at the Newcomb Art Museum

April 6, 2018

To celebrate the New Orleans tricentennial, Fallen Fruit artists created an exhibit that used the vast archives and special collections at Tulane as material to create a complex visual narrative of New Orleans and its history of transnational trade and cultural… Read More

A Studio in the Woods featured on “Luscious Lower Coast” in Be New Orleans

March 28, 2018

Founded by Joe & Lucianne Carmichael, A Studio in the Woods is composed of over 7 acres of hardwood forest, nestled along the Mississippi River. Established to preserve endangered forest area, they house several artists’ residencies in a breathtaking, natural… Read More