Dawn DeDeaux’s MotherShip Lands on Two Sites for P3+

ACCORDING TO ASTROPHYSICIST STEPHEN HAWKING WE HAVE 100 YEARS LEFT NOT TO SAVE EARTH BUT TO LEAVE HER A Studio In The Woods welcomes Dawn DeDeaux as an Artist in Residence presenting Selections from the MotherShip Series as a P3+ Host Site.  DeDeaux’s work will be on view at two locations from October 25, 2014 […]

Maria Möller’s “CBD (Chinese Business District)” Installation and Opening Reception

The Saratoga 212 Loyola Ave, New Orleans, LA, United States

Opening reception with a presentation and tour about the history of New Orleans' Chinatown By geographer Richard Campanella Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 1pm-3pm: The Saratoga, 212 Loyola Avenue The work will be on view from the street through March 29th as a storefront installation.   CBD (Chinese Business District) inserts visual memory into the […]

Does lead in New Orleans have mockingbirds singing the blues?

Crescent City Farmers Market 200 Broadway St, Suite 107, New Orleans, LA, United States

Artist Jessica Levine, in collaboration with Karubian Lab, will create an interactive, mixed media visual art installation to bring the study titled,"Does lead in New Orleans have mockingbirds singing the blues?" to wide-spectrum public attention. The installation will be designed as an impromptu art spectacle within a 10 x 10 foot pop-up tent, to be […]

Half Shell

Come Celebrate the Art, Science and Culinary Tradition of the Oyster! An evening benefiting A Studio in the Woods hosted by Lee Ledbetter and Doug Meffert in their 1963 Historic Registered modernist home designed by Nathaniel "Buster"Curtis, Jr. For photos from the event visit NOLA.com and theneworleansadvocate.com Wednesday, April 22, 2015 6:00-9:00 in the evening […]

Microscopic Sirens by Pippin Frisbie-Calder

Tigermen Den 3113 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

Tigermen Den, 3113 Royal Street Opening Reception May 9th 6:00-9:00pm On view through August 1 Part of the Wetlands Art Tour Printmaker and current artist in residence Pippin Frisbie-Calder will be collaborating with Dr. Tim McLean of Tulane University to create a body of work around wetland micro algae awareness. In a public display their […]

Trees Talk

Old U.S. Mint 400 Esplanade Avenue, New Orleans, LA, United States

Don't miss our very own David Baker, Environmental Curator at A Studio in the Woods, as he tells the inspiring story of resilience and recovery of our forest with scientific research from pre and post-Katrina. A forest ecologist, Baker studies long term changes to Louisiana's bottomland hardwood forests with a particular emphasis on how hurricanes […]

Listening to the River

Previous ASITW residents, Monica Haller and Sebastian Muellauer are traveling down river for the month of July, mapping the sounds of the river from headwaters to the delta. They are using an underwater microphone (hydrophone), a robot buoy that records the sounds, documents the route, sights and observations along the way. The culmination of the […]

FORESTival Returns October 10th!

A Studio in the Woods 13401 Patterson Rd, New Orleans, LA, United States

FORESTival: a celebration of art and nature at A Studio in the Woods Saturday, October 10th, 2015, 11am-5pm 13401 Patterson Road, New Orleans, LA Suggested Donation $5 at Gate Musical performances by  Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Review, Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers, and more! Artist presentations by current and former residents Jebney […]

How to Build a Forest

Contemporary Art Center 900 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

How to Build a Forest is a polysynthetic, interdisciplinary hybrid of a project. Part visual art installation and part theater performance, this durational event unfolds over eight hours. Beginning in an empty space, visual artist Shawn Hall and theater/performance artists Katie Pearl and Lisa D’Amour—along with a four-person crew—work meticulously to construct, dismantle, and remove an […]

Listening and Singing in Nature with Resident Shay Nichols

How can singing deepen our connection to the natural world and each other? Listening to the sounds and stillness of nature, we will tune ourselves to the natural environment. How can we listen to nature as music? Using long tones and simple patterns, we will explore the many possibilities of creating spontaneous soundscapes together. Thursday, […]