D.D. DuBois

Bulbancha Residencies Artistic
Type of work
Music Performer and Artist Activist

D.D. DuBois is a music performer and Artist Activist from Mississippi. She comes from a long line of Afro-Indigenous activists and began doing humanitarian work at a young age. She later trained in Opera and Musical Theatre performance and earned a degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has worked in the non-profit sector for fourteen years.

Through this work she has helped build cultural preservation and equitability initiatives within rural communities and on reservations all across the country. She has also helped to build music, theater, and English as a second language programs for communities all over the world including in China, Japan, Indonesia, and here in the US. While in the woods, D.D. worked to create a haven for the Afro-Indigenous RingShout community who are stewards of the lands of Bulbancha and the surrounding territories.